Thursday, 11 September 2014

Scraping webdata from a website that loads data in a streaming fashion

I'm trying to scrape some data off of the website using python for a project of mine. Normally I use python

mechanize and beautifulsoup to do the scraping.

I've been able to figure out most of the issues but can't seem to get around a problem. It seems like the data is

streamed into the table and mechanize.Browser() just stops listening.

So here's the issue: If you visit ... you get the first 500

contributors whose last name starts with A and have given money to candidate P80003338 ... however, if you use at that url all you get is the first ~5 rows.

I'm guessing its because mechanize isn't letting the page fully load before the .read() is executed. I tried putting a

time.sleep(10) between the .open() and .read() but that didn't make much difference.

And I checked, there's no javascript or AJAX in the website (or at least none are visible when you use the 'view-

source'). SO I don't think its a javascript issue.

Any thoughts or suggestions? I could use selenium or something similar but that's something that I'm trying to avoid.


2 Answers

Why not use an html parser like lxml with xpath expressions.

I tried

>>> import lxml.html as lh
>>> data = lh.parse('')
>>> name = data.xpath('/html/body/table[2]/tr[5]/td[1]/a/text()')
>>> name
>>> name = data.xpath('//table[2]/*/td[1]/a/text()')
>>> len(name)
>>> name[499]

Similarly, you can create xpath expression of your choice to work with.



Monday, 8 September 2014

Web data scraping (online news comments) with Scrapy (Python)

Since you seem like the try-first ask-question later type (that's a very good thing), I won't give you an answer, but a (very detailed) guide on how to find the answer.

The thing is, unless you are a yahoo developer, you probably don't have access to the source code you're trying to scrape. That is to say, you don't know exactly how the site is built and how your requests to it as a user are being processed on the server-side. You can, however, investigate the client-side and try to emulate it. I like using Chrome Developer Tools for this, but you can use others such as FF firebug.

So first off we need to figure out what's going on. So the way it works, is you click on the 'show comments' it loads the first ten, then you need to keep clicking for the next ten comments each time. Notice, however, that all this clicking isn't taking you to a different link, but lively fetches the comments, which is a very neat UI but for our case requires a bit more work. I can tell two things right away:

    They're using javascript to load the comments (because I'm staying on the same page).
    They load them dynamically with AJAX calls each time you click (meaning instead of loading the comments with the page and just showing them to you, with each click it does another request to the database).

Now let's right-click and inspect element on that button. It's actually just a simple span with text:

<span>View Comments (2077)</span>

By looking at that we still don't know how that's generated or what it does when clicked. Fine. Now, keeping the devtools window open, let's click on it. This opened up the first ten. But in fact, a request was being made for us to fetch them. A request that chrome devtools recorded. We look in the network tab of the devtools and see a lot of confusing data. Wait, here's one that makes sense:

See? _xhr and then get_comments. That makes a lot of sense. Going to that link in the browser gave me a JSON object (looks like a python dictionary) containing all the ten comments which that request fetched. Now that's the request you need to emulate, because that's the one that gives you what you want. First let's translate this to some normal reqest that a human can read:

go to this url:
include these parameters: {'_device': 'full',
          '_media.modules.content_comments.switches._enable_mutecommenter': '1',
          '_media.modules.content_comments.switches._enable_view_others': '1',
          'content_id': '42f7f6e0-7bae-33d3-aa1d-3dfc7fb5cdfc',
          'count': '10',
          'enable_collapsed_comment': '1',
          'isNext': 'true',
          'offset': '20',
          'pageNumber': '2',
          'sortBy': 'highestRated'}

Now it's just a matter of trial-and-error. However, a few things to note here:

    Obviously the count is what decides how many comments you're getting. I tried changing it to 100 to see what happens and got a bad request. And it was nice enough to tell me why - "Offset should be multiple of total rows". So now we understand how to use offset

    The content_id is probably something that identifies the article you are reading. Meaning you need to fetch that from the original page somehow. Try digging around a little, you'll find it.

    Also, you obviously don't want to fetch 10 comments at a time, so it's probably a good idea to find a way to fetch the number of total comments somehow (either find out how the page gets it, or just fetch it from within the article itself)

    Using the devtools you have access to all client-side scripts. So by digging you can find that that link to /get_comments/ is kept within a javascript object named YUI. You can then try to understand how it is making the request, and try to emulate that (though you can probably figure it out yourself)

    You might need to overcome some security measures. For example, you might need a session-key from the original article before you can access the comments. This is used to prevent direct access to some parts of the sites. I won't trouble you with the details, because it doesn't seem like a problem in this case, but you do need to be aware of it in case it shows up.

    Finally, you'll have to parse the JSON object (python has excellent built-in tools for that) and then parse the html comments you are getting (for which you might want to check out BeautifulSoup).

As you can see, this will require some work, but despite all I've written, it's not an extremely complicated task either.

So don't panic.

It's just a matter of digging and digging until you find gold (also, having some basic WEB knowledge doesn't hurt). Then, if you face a roadblock and really can't go any further, come back here to SO, and ask again. Someone will help you.


Sunday, 7 September 2014

A good web data extraction/screen scraper program?

I need to capture product data from a site on a regular basis and wondered if any one knows of a good software program?

I've trialed Mozenda but its a monthly subscription and pricey in the long term. Obviously something thats free would

be best but I don't mind paying either. Just need a decent program thats reliable and doesn't require much programming


You can try if you know python.

I've experimented with Screen-Scraper and found it easy to use. The application comes in multiple versions: basic

(which is free), professional, and enterprise. Also, multiple platforms are supported.

Hire a programmer to do it so that there is only a one off cost. I often see similar projects on freelancing websites

like Elance and oDesk.

I really like iMacros. You can give it a test drive to see if it meets your needs with the totally free Firefox

extension (there's also IE versions), but there are also more full featured application and "server" versions that have

more features and ability to do thing in an unattended manner.

Here are some other alternatives to consider:

    License the data from the provider. Call em up and ask 'em.

    Use Amazon Mechanical Turk to get humans to copy and paste and format it for ya. They are cheap.

    For automation, it depends on how complicated the HTML is and how often it changes. You could use Excel's Web Data

Import if it's really simple.

You can use irobot from IRobotSoft, which is totally free, and provides more functionalityies than other paid software.

Watch demos here for how simple it is.

Questions on their forum were answered very quickly.


Friday, 5 September 2014

How to login to website and extract data using PHP [closed]

I have installed the tiny tiny rss on to my computer (Windows) and also have Xampp installed (localhost).

I want to be able to use PHP to extract data from the Tiny tiny RSS webpage.

I have tried this it which just opens the front page:

$homepage = file_get_contents('my install tiny tiny rss url');
echo $homepage;

But how do I login and extract the data.

You can use cURL to send post data and headers. To login you need to replicate the exact data exchange between the client and the server.


Is it ok to scrape data from Google results?

I'd like to fetch results from Google using curl to detect potential duplicate content. Is there a high risk of being banned by Google?

Google will eventually block your IP when you exceed a certain amount of requests.

Google disallows automated access in their TOS, so if you accept their terms you would break them.

That said, I know of no lawsuit from Google against a scraper. Even Microsoft scraped Google, they powered their search engine Bing with it. They got caught in 2011 red handed :)

There are two options to scrape Google results:

1) Use their API

    You can issue around 40 requests per hour You are limited to what they give you, it's not really useful if you want to track ranking positions or what a real user would see. That's something you are not allowed to gather.

    If you want a higher amount of API requests you need to pay.
    60 requests per hour cost 2000 USD per year, more queries require a custom deal.

2) Scrape the normal result pages

    Here comes the tricky part. It is possible to scrape the normal result pages. Google does not allow it.
    If you scrape at a rate higher than 15 keyword requests per hour you risk detection, higher than 20/h will get you blocked from my experience.
    By using multiple IPs you can up the rate, so with 100 IP addresses you can scrape up to 2000 requests per hour. (50k a day)
    There is an open source search engine scraper written in PHP at It allows to reliable scrape Google, parses the results properly and manages IP addresses, delays, etc. So if you can use PHP it's a nice kickstart, otherwise the code will still be useful to learn how it is done.


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Excel VBA Data Mining Real-Time Data from a Web Page that Refreshes Data

I want to capture real-time data that updates into a table on a webpage; I prefer capturing it into excel using VBA, but I will write it in .NET C# or VB if I that is easier.

the data updates about 1 or 2 seconds, and I want to just grab the latest data quotes and log it into my spreadsheet; the table names are the same, only the data refreshes, and it does so automatically on the web page.

I've done a lot of Excel VBA and I know how to download a URL to a file--this is NOT what I want; I want to gain access to my webpage that is active and grab the data updates after I've logged into my site and selected a webpage that I like.

Is there a simple way to access this data on the webpage from Excel or .Net? Because it refreshes no more than once every 1 or 2 seconds, it is easy to just keep checking it for updates, and I can compare the latest data to see if it actually refreshed.

In Excel 2003, use Data/Import External Data/New Web Query
Browse to your page and select the table you want to import.
After that you can either do a manual Refresh, or use a timer procedure to do something like:


How to extract data from web 2.0 graphs using a scraper

I have recently come across a web page containing a graph object that displays the (x, y) values on the object as the mouse is rolled across it. Is there any way to automate the extraction of this data?

How is the graph data loaded? If embedded in the page source then you can extract it with xpath or regex. Else use Firebug to see how it is loaded.

You will need a solution that works inside the web browser, so the AJAX/Javascript is properly rendered.

I have used iMacros with good success for web scraping in the past. There are free/open-source and "PRO" paid editions (comparison table here).

Another option is always to custom code something with the Microsoft webbrowser control.


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Extract data from Web Scraping C#

I am MVC ASP.NET developer.

I have received the contents from any url, i.e. http, https etc. using WebRequest class.

I have received all the content of that particular url. (for now I took

My next step is to extract buttons, header, footer, colors, text etc.

Here is my code for now:

public ActionResult GetContent(UrlModel model) //model having a string URL
which is entered in a text box and method hits using submit button.
    //WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(model.URL);

    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(model.URL);

    request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

    WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

    Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);

    string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
    ViewBag.Response = responseFromServer;

    return View();

Can someone help me with writing the code ?

Also do suggest me with some techniques of data extraction in C#.


Scrapy, scraping price data from StubHub

I've been having a difficult time with this one.

I want to scrape all the prices listed for this Bruno Mars concert at the Hollywood Bowl so I can get the average


I've located the prices in the HTML and the xpath is pretty straightforward but I cannot get any values to return.

I think it has something to do with the content being generated via javascript or ajax but I can't figure out how to

send the correct request to get the code to work.

Here's what I have:

from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
from scrapy.selector import Selector

from deeptix.items import DeeptixItem

class TicketSpider(BaseSpider):
    name = "deeptix"
    allowed_domains = [""]
    start_urls = [""]

def parse(self, response):
    sel = Selector(response)
    sites = sel.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "q_cont")]')
    items = []
    for site in sites:
        item = DeeptixItem()
        item['price'] = site.xpath('span[contains(@class, "q")]/text()').extract()
    return items

Any help would be greatly appreciated I've been struggling with this one for quite some time now. Thank you in advance!


Legality of Web Scraping vs Normal Use

I know the topic of web scraping has been discussed before (example), and I understand it's a bit of a grey area depending on a lot of factors (e.g. website's terms of use).

What I'd like to ask is: how is web scraping any different from (a) how we access the webpage via a web browser, and (b) how web crawlers (e.g. Google) download and index webpages?

Without knowing the legal background, I can't help but think that they're all just HTTP requests. If web scraping is illegal, then so should crawling and indexing (for instance be illegal).

Of course if your program is hitting the server so hard that it causes a denial of service, it's a different story altogether... my point is simply accessing and using data that is already open to the public.

I know this is a dead thread, but it would be nice to place some legal implications here due to its ranking in my Google Search. I cannot help but figure I am not the only one who searches like I do.

Legally, in the US, there are a few factors that seem to be important.

    Are you doing anything that is akin to hacking or gaining unauthorized access via the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Exploiting vulnerabilities and passing SQL in the URL to open a database no matter how bad the idiot programming like that was is illegal with a 15 year sentence (see the cases where an individual exploited security vulnerabilities in Verizon). Also, add a time out even if you round robin or use proxies. DDoS attacks are attacks. 1000 requests per second can shut down a lot of servers providing public information. The result here is up to 15 years in jail.

    Copyright Law: As mentioned, pure replication of data is illegal. Even 4% replication has been deemed a breach. With the recent gutting of the DMCA, a person is even more vulnerable to civil and criminal penalties.

    Trespass and Chattels: The following from wikipedia says it all.

    U.S. courts have acknowledged that users of "scrapers" or "robots" may be held liable for committing trespass to chattels,[5][6] which involves a computer system itself being considered personal property upon which the user of a scraper is trespassing. The best known of these cases, eBay v. Bidder's Edge, resulted in an injunction ordering Bidder's Edge to stop accessing, collecting, and indexing auctions from the eBay web site.

    Paywalls and Product: When going behind paywalls and breaching contract by clicking an agreement not to do something and then doing it, you add fuel to the protection of negligence v. willingness [an issue for damages and penalties not guilt] in civil and any criminal trials. (sorry originally wanted to say ignorance but it really isn't a defense)

    International: EU law and other law is way more lax. Corporations with big budgets dominate our legal landscape. They control the system in a very real way with their $$$.

Basically, get public information and information that is available without going behind a pay wall. Think like a user of the internet and combine a bunch of sources into a unique product. Don't just 'steal' an entire site (it isn't really stealing if it is a government site that offers public data especially for download but is if you download all or even more than a couple of the listings on ebay). Read the terms and conditions to know who actually owns the content.

Here are a few examples. Trulia owns its information but you could use it to go to an agents website and collect a legal amount of information. The legal amount is determinable. However, a public MLS listing lookup site with no agreement or terms and offering data to the public is fair game. The MLS numbers lists, however, are normally not fair game.

If a researcher can get to data, so can you. If a researcher needs permission, so do you. A computer is like having a million corporate researchers at your disposal.

AS for company policy, it is usually used internally to shield from liability and serves as a warning but is not entirely enforceable. The legal parts letting you know about copyrights and such are and usually are supposed to be known by everyone. Complete ignorance is not a legal protection. It does provide a ground set of rules. Be nice, or get banned is that message as far as I know.

My personal strategy is to start with public data and embellish it within legal means.


Anyone knows an online tool that can scrape a page and create a REST API for the scraped data?

I'm looking for a SaaS solution that is able to login to a platform, scrape data (reports) and then allow accessing the data through an API. I have some reporting platforms that provide web reporting and email reporting but with no API. Online reporting doesn't help and email reporting, although can be automated and scraped, isn't so reliable.

If you are willing to do the scraping through your own connection, have a look at Import IO. They have a desktop application that you use to teach the system how to scrape a page, and then you run the crawler from that application - and you can run it for as long as you like, as far as I can tell.

You may then upload your data to the Import cloud, from where it is available via an API on the servers. Useful data can be made public to donate it "to the commons" if you wish.

I did some more digging, found iMacros as a possible solution. Its Windows based, which is a drawback in my case, but it does allow automation of the scraping and afterwards interaction via common web scripting languages like PHP and

If you are familiar with jQuery, I think you can use node.js and Cheerio module, then you can create a simple application to do auto scraping. Actually I have already built a site to do on line web scraping based on the above mentioned tech, the site is, you can take a look at it.
